Stretched Thin

Oh man…
too much to do and too little time. (cliche I know, but true)

Being pulled in about 8,000 directions at the moment. School is definitely piling up right now. We’re right at the end and it’s just that last stretch that seems nearly impossible to complete. And then to add to it, gotta work. taking on 4 shifts this week. Man I’m going to be tired… but hey that’s $.

Still looking for a local job… starting to get more and more worried about the wear and tear on my car due to the constant commuting.

Oh well, this blog began in a poetic-ish style, but dissolved into complaint. Ah…
things don’t go the way you plan them it seems. They go what the opposite. My head’s much to full. too full to let my sleep… to quote the good old Bob Dylan “I’ve got a head full of Ideas that are driving me insane!”

I’ve got at least 20 half-baked ideas fighting to get to the surface.
Rewrites for my tv show.
Songs for the concert scene in said tv show.
Becoming a real video-production business, acting “professional.”
A “Hagar the Horrible” short film.
a combination of Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 short film.
My magnum opus: an epic sci-fiction movie about Time and the universe.
and more!

But sleep should be attempted, dreams should be had.
good night void

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