The Simple Joy of Snow

Snow came to the Antelope Valley Today, I woke up around 7am and saw it falling outside my bedroom window. I tweeted about it ad fell back to sleep. By the time I awoke again (around 10am) the snow was gone. I thought that was the only brief visit snow would pay us. However as I stopped with a friend for some gas and food in Acton snow and I crossed paths again.

After epxloring the campus at College of the Canyons, filming some footage for later inspiration, and hashing out a storyline over burgers in Santa Clarita my friend and I headed back to Palmdale, where mother nature had laid down a gorgeous white blanket.

1/2 hour or so later I set my hands to work, rolling, rolling, rolling snow into the first snow-man I’ve built in years. Of course this is still Southern California so I really only had enough snow to make a snow midget.

When snow comes this rarely it really is a treat, a delicase you could say. It is the simple joy of snow.



Sagebrush Cafe in Quartz Hill

I live a coffee life. I LOVE COFFE! I think coffee may soon replace my blood flowing through my veins. I’ve been meaning to stop by Sage Brush Cafe in Quartz Hill for a while now, and this morning finnally made the time!  

My order: a Large Aztec (Warrior) and a Cinnamon Roll. Both completely delicous.  

So next time you’re in Quartz Hill stop by StageBrush on 5oth at the Corner of L-14. Chances are if it’s friday morning I’ll probably be there!

Art on the Move

With the advent of a new BLVD, and the construction of a new Museum and Art Gallery, art is on the move in ways like never before. The Lancaster Museum and Art Gallery hosts an annual juried exhibition to showcase the art of Antelope Valley artists. This year the LMAG was faced with a unique challenge and opportunity. The Museum itself is on the move from it current location to one directly on the BLVD, and as it transitions gallery space has become limited. Rather than scale down the size and scope of this years exhibition curator Nick West made it even bigger. The LMAG’s 26th Annual Juried Exhibition entitled “Look Here” moves the Art out of the museum and to the public on Lancaster BLVD. Art is proudly on display along the BLVD in eleven local businesses creating a sort of art walk. Maps are available in all participating business as well as at the LMAG. The art has moved and is now moving people in more ways than one. As people explore on search of art they are also exposed to the BLVD as a whole and have an opportunity to meet the unique people who conduct business on the BLVD. One of the most interesting art movements you’ll find on the BLVD is a fresh new way to experience art thanks to a little thing called a  QR code. Some of the works on display at the BLVD Today Cafe have a small square mosaic next to them which can move the art on the wall right into your smartphone. By simply downloading a free app and scanning the QR code next to the art work, the viewer is able to watch a video interview with the artist. All of these exciting developments can only bring us closer as we explore, discover and interact with art and each other, so catch “Look Here” on the BLVD while its still here.

Ben Andrews – Bonsai Tree Journey First 50 Days… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and have been documenting my Bonsai tree experience day by day.  It has been a very interesting experience so far. My first expectation was that the process would’ve been somehow almost instant. I was initially disappointed when I learned it would be a couple days before I even be able to plant the seeds, but once I did plant them time seemed to go by quicker than I thought it would. Soon the bonsai was sprouted, and soon after two more did too! (see day 49’s video about what happened next). I have been very surprised by the responses and feedback I have received about my videos. Way more people than I could’ve ever expected have told in me in person that they’re following  my blogs and videos and have asked me how my bosai is doing. I’ve garnered over 565 views (on youtube alone) on my bonsai videos and I’ve had comments on youtube from people all over the united states, as far away as New York… and while I can’t figure out what people like so much maybe you can. I would like to present the first 50 days of my bonsai tree to, videos and comments : )

Here ya go:


indiefilmben | December 18, 2010 | 1 likes, 0 dislikes… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am going to document my Bonsai tree experience day by day. Follow on WordPress



lol wating for that update becuase that looks impossible >:O

lcbeautifulmonster 1 month ago



indiefilmben | December 19, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…

After soaking my seeds for 24 hours I placed them in a damp paper towel, sealed in a plastic bag and into the fridge to cold stratify for 7days!



indiefilmben | December 20, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…

Realizing my bonsai tree seeds could be mistaken as trash, I set out to label the bag!




indiefilmben | December 21, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…

Not much of an update…. but check out BRING YOUR OWN VINYL NIGHT:…


People & Blogs


All Comments (2)

i have one too guy please post more videos because i’m in the straification part of this

theinsantification 1 month ago


Another video is coming today! the seeds should almost be ready for the next step in the bonsai journey : )

– thanks for watching

indiefilmben 1 month ago



indiefilmben | December 26, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes… Day 7! I have finally planted the seeds!


People & Blogs


All Comments (3)


  • are you making any more vids on the bonsai tree?

    oOHEADBANGEROo 3 weeks ago
  • your turtles want to eat your seeds. didn’t the book say to let it grow 1in to 2in?

    theinsantification 1 month ago


    It definitely did let the soil expand 1 1/2or so inches…

    And i have a way to keep an eye on those turtles

    I have a ustream going

    indiefilmben 1 month ago



indiefilmben | January 14, 2011 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…




indiefilmben | January 27, 2011 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…



indiefilmben | January 27, 2011 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…


All Comments (2)


oOHEADBANGEROo 4 days ago


2 turtles! 2 names!

Comments or video replies on this video: “Name my turtles Youtube contest!”


indiefilmben 3 days ago



indiefilmben | January 29, 2011 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…


Howto & Style


All Comments (2)


is there any way u can take those two “trees” that ur gonna throw out and grow then in a separate pot? so u will have 3 bonsais trees? …..

p.s. am Growin’ a bonsai tree too…rite now am on the 1st day of puttin the seeds in the refrigerator lol

TheChamoNY 3 days ago


Haven’t had time to try that and get more pots or soil, but did plant them in the backyard, i doubt they’ll grow : /

Good luck on your tree! The part that seemed like the most waiting was waiting for it to sprout after planting.

indiefilmben 2 days ago