Life is Zombies – Autodrama

Had some with Auto-drama for THA 110 (Fundamentals of Acting) at Antelope Valley College. Decided to go with the concept of zombies as a metaphor for several things in life; the one-size fits all educational system, bullies, peer pressure and meaningless jobs. In each situation our weapon to overcome these obstacles are passion and creativity.… The story of my life told through the METAPHOR of zombies, final project auto-drama for 110 at Antelope Valley College.
Special thanks to Eduardo Camacho Villalobos and Crystal Lambert

Music by Pink Floyd, Brand New and Cold War Kids


Also thanks to Erica Schott for filming for me, and for catching this fun moment before the performance:…
Everyone wishing me luck … or saying random things about me in the other room while I prepare for my Auto-drama final project in THA 110 at Antelope Valley College.