Patient 13 A Documentary project


Patient 13 follows Scott King – scientist, entrepreneur and Type 1 diabetic – at the climax of his 30-year quest to cure diabetes. Working with a team of world-renowned scientists, Scott is battling the odds to bring one of the most dramatic medical discoveries in history to human trial – even if it means experimenting on himself. Will the scientists be Nobel Prize winners or failed visionaries? If Scott succeeds, not only will he cure Type 1 diabetes, he will cure himself.


Scott has been preparing for this moment for 30 years. Since being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 1977, this scientist and biotech entrepreneur has been on a personal quest to cure the corrosive illness that has affected his eyes, his kidneys, and his nerves. “When I was diagnosed with diabetes I was told I had immediately lost one-third of my life expectancy. Technically I should be dead,” he says. Instead, Scott — with his motley crew of brilliant doctors and scientists — is perfecting The Islet Sheet, the device that could change millions of lives forever – including his own. Raising the stakes, Scott will be Patient 13, the 13th person to participate in his own clinical trial.


Things are heating up! The time is now to participate in this groundbreaking documentary. This is a critical moment for the film as Scott King and his team are entering into the final phase of research before going to human trial. This means several shoots this fall, including following Scott to Oxford, England, where he will be preparing for the possibility of a human trial in 2013. He and his team will also be going to Groningen, The Netherlands to collaborate with top Dutch scientists. Your support will help us with travel and production expenses and keep us from missing a significant chapter in this unfolding story. In addition, what we shoot this fall will be used as a fundraising reel for the feature length film. 


The audience will get a front row seat to a medical breakthrough that, if successful, will affect hundreds of millions of people around the globe. Life with insulin-dependent diabetes is scary, relentless, and mostly invisible to the outside world. In Type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin, a hormone that is needed to convert food into energy. To survive, patients need daily insulin injections. Anyone who has Type 1 is in a race against time. The results of the Islet Sheet transplant – if it works – are immediate. Patients, including Scott, will go off insulin, some for the first time in their lives.


If we don’t raise our goal, we don’t get anything. Kickstarter is the largest funding platform for creative projects in the world. Every Kickstarter project must be fully funded before its time expires. Donors pledge the amounts but don’t actually pay until the goal is reached and the funding deadline has passed. We want to avoid this so please spread the word. Every donation helps! And if you live outside the US, you can still use any major credit card to donate.


If you’re unable to make a donation to help us reach our goal, spread the word about Patient 13 to your friends and family! How? Reach out to your community through email blasts, text messages, Facebook, and Twitter. Every person counts in our quest to follow Patient 13.


Ben Andrews – Bonsai Tree Journey First 50 Days… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and have been documenting my Bonsai tree experience day by day.  It has been a very interesting experience so far. My first expectation was that the process would’ve been somehow almost instant. I was initially disappointed when I learned it would be a couple days before I even be able to plant the seeds, but once I did plant them time seemed to go by quicker than I thought it would. Soon the bonsai was sprouted, and soon after two more did too! (see day 49’s video about what happened next). I have been very surprised by the responses and feedback I have received about my videos. Way more people than I could’ve ever expected have told in me in person that they’re following  my blogs and videos and have asked me how my bosai is doing. I’ve garnered over 565 views (on youtube alone) on my bonsai videos and I’ve had comments on youtube from people all over the united states, as far away as New York… and while I can’t figure out what people like so much maybe you can. I would like to present the first 50 days of my bonsai tree to, videos and comments : )

Here ya go:


indiefilmben | December 18, 2010 | 1 likes, 0 dislikes… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am going to document my Bonsai tree experience day by day. Follow on WordPress



lol wating for that update becuase that looks impossible >:O

lcbeautifulmonster 1 month ago



indiefilmben | December 19, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…

After soaking my seeds for 24 hours I placed them in a damp paper towel, sealed in a plastic bag and into the fridge to cold stratify for 7days!



indiefilmben | December 20, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…

Realizing my bonsai tree seeds could be mistaken as trash, I set out to label the bag!




indiefilmben | December 21, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…

Not much of an update…. but check out BRING YOUR OWN VINYL NIGHT:…


People & Blogs


All Comments (2)

i have one too guy please post more videos because i’m in the straification part of this

theinsantification 1 month ago


Another video is coming today! the seeds should almost be ready for the next step in the bonsai journey : )

– thanks for watching

indiefilmben 1 month ago



indiefilmben | December 26, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes… Day 7! I have finally planted the seeds!


People & Blogs


All Comments (3)


  • are you making any more vids on the bonsai tree?

    oOHEADBANGEROo 3 weeks ago
  • your turtles want to eat your seeds. didn’t the book say to let it grow 1in to 2in?

    theinsantification 1 month ago


    It definitely did let the soil expand 1 1/2or so inches…

    And i have a way to keep an eye on those turtles

    I have a ustream going

    indiefilmben 1 month ago



indiefilmben | January 14, 2011 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…




indiefilmben | January 27, 2011 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…



indiefilmben | January 27, 2011 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…


All Comments (2)


oOHEADBANGEROo 4 days ago


2 turtles! 2 names!

Comments or video replies on this video: “Name my turtles Youtube contest!”


indiefilmben 3 days ago



indiefilmben | January 29, 2011 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes… I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…


Howto & Style


All Comments (2)


is there any way u can take those two “trees” that ur gonna throw out and grow then in a separate pot? so u will have 3 bonsais trees? …..

p.s. am Growin’ a bonsai tree too…rite now am on the 1st day of puttin the seeds in the refrigerator lol

TheChamoNY 3 days ago


Haven’t had time to try that and get more pots or soil, but did plant them in the backyard, i doubt they’ll grow : /

Good luck on your tree! The part that seemed like the most waiting was waiting for it to sprout after planting.

indiefilmben 2 days ago

Ben Andrews – Bonsia Tree Day 5 I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…

Not much of an update…. but check out BRING YOUR OWN VINYL NIGHT:


Ben Andrews – Bonsai Tree Day 2 I bought a mini Bonsai Tree Kit from Barnes and Noble and am documenting my Bonsai tree experience…

After soaking my seeds for 24 hours I placed them in a damp paper towel, sealed in a plastic bag and into the fridge to cold stratify for 7days!