The Quest For Employment- Day 6/7

Yesterday was my long class day (3:45 – 10:00) and also my girlfriend’s of campus lunch day, so I was in Lancaster from about Noon to 10:00, this still left me some time in the morning to fill out an application to Best Buy online, and to continue working on my resume. Today I took a little extra time to sleep in, got up and read some devotional materials on, specifically a newsletter called “Convergence” which my sister is editor for. I highly recommend. Today I am going to inquire about a job at Oak West Footwear in the mall as well as pick up applications for I-Hop and Denny’s. Wish me luck!

CONTINUED! – Today I applied for a front desk job at a hotel in Palmdale online, applied to Oak West Footwear, picked up applications from Denny’s and Bath And Body Works, as well as Apple-bee’s where I need to apply in November. I also found out I am working tomorrow in Pasadena, (I thought I was working next Saturday). Overall that is a good thing because the Pasadena Convention Center has been getting more business which means I should get more consistent work, and much needed income.