Dot. The world’s smallest stop-motion animation. I LOVE IT!

Came across this video reading my daily dose of (which comes right into my apple mail thanks to the wonderous technology of RSS Feeds!). The video is one of  top ten finalist for the TED award for advertisers.


This is how it was made!


As a stop-motion animator myself, I have the utmost respect and admiration for people that do this kind of work. Little discoveries like this are why I love the social media world.

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Movie Reviews

I have decided that I will begin reviewing movies on this blog. I won’t exactly be reviewing just new movies or movies that I have seen in general. I will be reviewing movies that I own. This will essentially be a retrospective look back at what I decided was worth $5 – $20 to buy. I’ll give a full review and a recommendation of whether or not you too should buy the film or let it sit on the shelf at the store. I invite you to subscribe to this blog and join me on this ride.

Refer a Business: Get Cash!

Introducing The Business Referral Promotion!
Refer a business and get $25! How does it work? 
Step 1: Tell a business owner about DragonCow Productions
Step 2: Give the business owner your name and phone number to give to us
Step 3: If that business owner hires us for a commercial we’ll give you $25
You can send them to our site:
or have them give us a call (661) 317-7803 or email: 

July 2010 – Issue #5 DRAGONCOW

Official Newsletter
A semi-monthly update from your favorite Independent Film Production Company

DragonCow By the Numbers:
Website Views: 4288 Fans on Facebook:275 Views on Youtube:59,674 Views on Yahoo:76,976 Views on Myspace: 11,565
Last month you heard that we were commis- sioned to create a 30 second ad for AV Florist, great news right? Well it gets even better. We delivered our commercial and AV Florist owner Chris Spicher was ab- solutely thrilled, but he wasn’t the only one! We showed the video to Rosemary the owner of Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe in Palmdale and Lancaster and she realized that she needed one too! So we made our sec- ond commercial and it turned out abso- lutely fantastic. With two successful commercials under our belt and a third one on the way you can bet that Dragon- Cow is here to stay. In fact it’s our goal to have 20 commercials produced by the end of the year. Help us make that a reality and pass our info on to any businesses you know!
– Ben Andrews (661) 317-7803

 Ben Andrews and Camille’s owner Rosemary.

Ben Andrews and AV Florist owner Chris Spicher.

Rebel Filmmakers Update:

Jim Greenleaf will now be playing the role of Mayor T. Rex Harris and helping out as a Producer for the show! Jim Greenleaf is the CEO of and has some really great experience and connections with the entertainment business. To find out more about what Jim does, check out
To see the new commercials that DragonCow Productions has produced simply visit:

Thank you for reading!

 Happy 4th of July Everyone!

Download the full color PDF of the newsletter here:

Mr. Hungry@Work

Hooray! We have completed our second paid video commercial! The 45 second spot is titled “Mr. Hungry@Work and is promoting the local business Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe. I met up with the owner Rosemary about 2 weeks ago and even though she had her doubts she took a leap of faith and decided to commission DragonCow to make an ad for her:


Pretty good huh? Rosemary has absolutely thrilled and completely satisfied with the video. We even had a chance to premiere the video live on the internet through a fantastic new site called and if you haven’t joined yet you must! It’s a really great way to connect with people and businesses in the Antelope Valley.

So if you’re a business in need of some fresh ideas in creative advertising give me a call (661) 317-7803 or email me

Everyone else sit back and enjoy the ride! Wish me luck : )

Gotta Get Back

Well, I am here again, on the blog sending out my thoughts into the void! I’ve been quite busy so I think it is important for me to reflect on what I have been doing. During the last school semester I wrote blogs on a weekly basis as part of my Critical Thinking and Research English Class. This assignment fueled my creative writing greatly and jumpstarted my problem solving mindset. (Reflecting upon that sentence, I’m not quite sure how effective my car-oriented metaphors are.)

At one point or another we need to face down our failures. If we have the bravery to face down our failures we can turn them into opportunities. I recently received the third of three disappointing letters, first a letter denying me admission to USC, then a painful reminder in the form of a letter rejecting me from the Film-Production program and a third from the Animation and Digital Arts Program. I had my moment of pain, disappointment and bitterness and now I am moving on.

I am taking control of this moment and steering myself into a bold new future. Tired of working odd jobs and commuting to Pasadena (yes, I said Pasadena) I have started building up the business of DragonCow Productions.

The DragonCow team has:

Made its first commercial for a local business!
Check out the video for AV Florist in Lancaster:

I met with Av Florist owner Chris Spicher for lunch at Jackie’s cafe in Lancaster and convinced him to take a chance and he commissioned us to make a 30 second stop-animated ad for his flower shop. In less than two weeks, thanks to some late nights and hard work from seasoned DragonCow animators Thomas Thomas and Dean Terrell, the video was completed.

This lead to the development of our next project another video ad! This time the ad is for Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe. The future looks bright for DragonCow Productions as we have 2 more paid videos in the immediate future and several creative opportunities too…

Stay tuned to the tales of Ben Andrews and DragonCow, and our continuing saga.
As always, Wish me luck!