The Quest For Employment- Day 8

Back at the job hunt again today, somewhat. I applied to Old Navy online today. My job search is getting slightly distracted due to college stuff. Today I had the chance to work down in Pasadena, but… had a 12:30 Transfer Center counseling appointment, that I am very glad I went to instead. I learned a lot of things I wouldn’t have been able to figure out on my own. I now know that UCLA is not an option for the Fall 2010 session. Too many of the courses I took for the Cal State system requirements do not transfer to the UC system, which would leave me with 30 units to complete in the spring, which is impossible. Fortunately I am still on track for CSUN, although I found out I need to take one more course than I thought, and on track for USC, which I also would need to take one extra course for. This leaves me with a total of 7 classes to take. If I can take at least 1 or 2 in the intercession it will really help out for my spring semester. Hmmm… this blog post is evolving into the quest for admission, I might need to start a new series… as always: WIsh me luck!

The Quest For Employment- Day 4

Today I took a tour of UCLA. It was a great tour! The campus is beautiful, I could see myself at that school. Only 15 people outside of UCLA are accepted into the Film program, so I’ve got my work cut out for me. I embrace the challenge! On the job search side of things, I was able to find time to print out and fill out applications to Chili’s and Red Robins, I will turn those in tomorrow afternoon. Wish me luck!

p.s. I took some pictures of flowers awhile ago.. thought i’d share them!

The Quest For Employment- Day 3

Well… today… not much accomplished towards finding a job. I spent the morning cleaning and re-aranging my room, then went to class, worked on kgb in the afternoon, went to class again, and came home. Still need to print out and fill out applications. Going to go take a tour of UCLA tomorrow, so I probably won’t get much done tomorrow either, but I will try! Wish me luck.

p.s. sorry for this blog being lame.