Stretched Thin

Oh man…
too much to do and too little time. (cliche I know, but true)

Being pulled in about 8,000 directions at the moment. School is definitely piling up right now. We’re right at the end and it’s just that last stretch that seems nearly impossible to complete. And then to add to it, gotta work. taking on 4 shifts this week. Man I’m going to be tired… but hey that’s $.

Still looking for a local job… starting to get more and more worried about the wear and tear on my car due to the constant commuting.

Oh well, this blog began in a poetic-ish style, but dissolved into complaint. Ah…
things don’t go the way you plan them it seems. They go what the opposite. My head’s much to full. too full to let my sleep… to quote the good old Bob Dylan “I’ve got a head full of Ideas that are driving me insane!”

I’ve got at least 20 half-baked ideas fighting to get to the surface.
Rewrites for my tv show.
Songs for the concert scene in said tv show.
Becoming a real video-production business, acting “professional.”
A “Hagar the Horrible” short film.
a combination of Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 short film.
My magnum opus: an epic sci-fiction movie about Time and the universe.
and more!

But sleep should be attempted, dreams should be had.
good night void


Well I have to sneak a non-English related post in here some where, so here it is!

Life is a bit tiring at the moment, I have had work one or two days every weekend for the past couple months. That’s really great and I am very great full, just get a little worn out on the commute. Usually days when I work (like today) end up being almost two days in one! Very long. I am having a bit of trouble getting to sleep so I actually didn’t hear my alarm this morning and had to go 80mph the whole time i was on the freeway to get to work on time, which is no bueno for gas mileage.

I did get to eat some bomb empanadas today though. My girlfriend’s family had their annual St. Joseph celebration, which is basically a couple hours of praying and then TONS of food, today. I came once I got off work so I was very happy that my wonderful girlfriend saved me some empanadas, if you didn’t hear: they’re bomb. Not as awesome as the girlfriend that saved them for me though. Love that girl.

Schools been pretty much same as usual, I’m keeping up with stuff for the most part. Jumping back to the subject of jobs, I had an interview for the City of Palmdale Public Library last Tuesday (March 9th) so I’m just waiting to hear back whether or not I got the job!

Things with DragonCow and Rebel Filmmakers have been sorta slow, but we’re picking up steam again:
1. found someone that’s interested in filming/editing.
2. found someone to do website design and production photography
3. found someone interested in doing hair and makeup
4. found a few more people interested in Acting


5. Working on finding a good place to hold auditions
6. On tv again: Time Warner Cable Channel 3 at Mondays: at 6:30pm, Fridays at 11:30pm and Saturday 4:30pm

That’s about all for now. Wish me luck!

The Quest For Employement – Day 1

For the past four months I have been fortune to have a job at Wayside Chapel Community Church in Rosamond. The church just added a huge 3-story building to their existing facilities, I was able to get hired on as a construction cleanup guy while the building was being built. Now that the building is done, I’m no longer needed, and find myself out of a job. Fortunately I’ve still been working part-time as a waiter down in Pasadena catering at the Pasadena Convention center, and just started working online as a kgb special agent (text any question to 542 542!). However that’s really no enough to live on a.k.a cover my bills, plus be able to save for college/independent life, so I’m on the hunt for another job, specifically a job in the Antelope Valley as a waiter. So today was day one of my quest. I applied online to: BJ’s and Red Lobster, printed out an application for Chili’s, and found out I need to apply in person at Applebees. I’ll keep you posted on how it all goes, Wish me luck!